
Jupiter, Florida


 Computer Giveaway

Be Selected to Receive a Free Computer!

To qualify for a computer you must not have access to a working computer at home, and you must have a child in K-12 education (up to age 20) in the Jupiter area. Names will be chosen randomly based on available inventory 3-days prior to distribution. Selected recipients will be notified by email and/or text message to complete the RSVP process to pick up their computer at a drive-thru distribution site.

Register Now!

 Our Programs

We help children, and young adults maximize their potential through programs which strengthen their computer and technology literacy.

How YoCan Help

Donate a Computer
If you have computers you would like to donate, you can pledge them and ask your company if they have any retired equipment available!
Donate A Computer
Make a Donation
Make a financial contribution. Just $275 supports a family in need. You’ll be able to select Los Angeles as your location to donate your gift!
Make a Donation


Volunteers help us deliver our programs, organize our warehouse, support our program teams and plan events.

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Spread the word!

Help connect us to others and share our work! While it may seem small - this makes a huge difference. Share the flyer link below! 

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Hours:  Monday - Friday,  9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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